The Exact Opposite of The Much Wished For Healthy Lifestyle

I have always assumed we all go through phases of being healthy one minute and in the next we find ourselves hitting the biscuit tin or that bag of buttery mint sweets.   Something in our make up can be very cruel at times and I know how frustrating it is to be good and virtuous for a whole 3 days, only to weaken on day 5 because of the chocolate bar that has just popped into your eyeline at a very fragile moment!  I regularly manage to fail at the service station whilst walking past a massive line of chocolate bars along one side and boiled sweet the other.   I don’t go out for breakfast – I am intrigued why so many of my elderly and portly pals do go down to the famous pub chain for breakfast on two or three mornings a week or stop off at the supermarket cafe for that ‘full english’ – then have the temerity to moan at me because they have gained another few pounds in weight and several inches on the bust, waist and hips in a year.   For some reason they seem unable to make the corrolation between a thick sugary whipped cream encrusted coffee and the terrifyingly sweet & sugary cake or other confection nestling on a plate next to it.   Many of the coffee flavours involve pouring generous spoonfuls of sugary syrup into the coffee to taste.  Ye gods, heart attack in a cup!